Automation Stock
ABB Drives

ABB is the world's leading manufacturer of AC Adjustable Frequency Drives / Inverters.
ABB's position in the world drives market today is driven by their knowledge from more than a century of close co-operation with industrial clients around the world. ABB is able to provide a complete offering of AC Inverters, VFD’s with multiple technologies, Sensorless Vector Control to Open loop Inverters. ABB Drives offers them in 208v, 230v, 380v, 460v, 575v as well as Medium Voltage. AutomationStock can supply the full range of ABB drives to suit any HVAC or industrial applications.
AutomationStock stocks:
- ABB ACS50 AC drive
- ABB ACS140 AC drive
- ABB ACS350 AC drive
- ABB ACS550 AC drive
- ABB ACS800 family of AC drives
- ABB DCS500 DC Digital Drives
Obsolete Drives (Call us for availability and replacement drives)
- ACS400 AC Drive
- ABB DCS600 DC Drive
- ABB DCS800 DC Drive
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