Pneumatic Conveyors

Flexicon dilute phase pneumatic conveyor systems range from single-point "up-and-in" installations to crossplant systems with multiple pick-up.
Bulk Bag Dischargers

Flexicon bulk bag dischargers can eliminate the drawbacks of outdated designs while dramatically improving convenience, safety and cleanliness.
Bag Dump Stations

Flexicon bag dump stations collect dust generated when dumping powder and bulk solids from bags, boxes, drums, and other containers, and return the material to the hopper.
Bulk Bag Filler

Flexicon bulk bag fillers (also known as FIBC fillers) are offered in three configurations, each of which is engineered to deliver optimum performance across specific capacity ranges with maximum cost-effectiveness.
Flexible Screw Conveyors

A Flexicon flexible screw simple design delivers efficient performance and high reliability while reducing maintenance and cost.