Metallurgical Technologies, Inc.
NDT- Non-Destructive Testing

Magnetic Particle (MT) & Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT):
Magnetic Particle Examination (MT):
Dry or wet fluorescent magnetic particle examinations are performed on ferromagnetic materials to detect surface and slight subsurface discontinuities such as cracks, seams, laps, voids, or flaws.
Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT):
Various types of liquid penetrant testing methods are utilized to detect material defects open to the surface or to detect open surface cracks. Red dye or fluorescent penetrants are utilized as well as various types of wet and dry developers. Fluorescent dye penetrant examinations are performed under black light conditions to ensure the highest detectability for very fine fatigue cracks.

Close-up views of fluorescent magnetic particle and dye penetrant indications under black lighting.
Left: A fluorescent Magnetic Particle indication at the gear tooth root.
Right: Transverse fatigue cracks in a rear end gear identified using florescent Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS):
A Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an EDS provides chemical analysis of the field of view or spot analysis of minute particles. More than 90 elements can be detected with our low-atomic number detector. This test can be performed on small to microscopic samples. This micro-analysis is also a non-destructive test.
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