Rebound Products, Inc.
R-FLEX Diaphragms

R-FLEX Products for sale at Rebound Products
One Diaphragm for all applications. No need to change pumps between different applications. R-FLEX Teflon Diaphragms work in every size of PTFE FITTED Wilden® pump for nearly every type of fluid. Combining the chemical resistance of Teflon with the flex life of rubber, R-FLEX Teflon Diaphragms on test have over three times the burst strength of ordinary Teflon overlays. This is possible because Teflon is 100% bonded to a reinforcing rubber backing, supporting the diaphragm evenly with every stroke.
R-Flex Diaphragms:
- Have a longer flex life than the traditional two-piece diaphragms.
- Exhibit superior impact and tensile strength than standard Teflon overlays.
- Use the same shaft and plates as standard two-piece Teflon diaphragms.
- Have been tested to over 3 times cycle life of Teflon overlays without failure.
- Are interchangeable with Wilden® Pumps and Surge Dampeners.
- Wilden® Pump Sizes: ½” (Part # R-FLEX-01), 1” (Part # R-FLEX-02), 11/2” (Part # R-FLEX-04), & 2” (Part # R-FLEX-08)
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