Setco Spindles & Slides
Spindle Repair Services

Introducing SETCO™ ReBuild, the premier precision spindle repair service that delivers the best value, highest performance, and the most dependable customer service in the industry. SETCO offers the most extensive spindle service in North America, servicing most any make, model and size; including foreign, domestic and OEM brands.
With Setco you get the benefit of working with the leading manufacturer recognized for the most reliable precision spindles in North America to take your manufacturing performance to a higher level. Our ReBuild retrofit service packages are the best in the industry and can increase power, enable higher spindle speeds, improve reliability, and bring better accuracy to your machine.
For special machine applications, our in-house engineering and manufacturing capabilities allow us to re-engineer and make new parts, as well as retrofit newer spindle technologies into older designs for even greater performance.
SETCO ReBuild will maximize spindle performance to improve productivity, decrease downtime, and reduce maintenance costs while improving spindle reliability. We back all our work in writing and offer the best warranty in the industry. With ReBuild you have a spindle partner that will help you grow and get the most out of your business.
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