SoftNoze USA Inc
Cushioned Sensor Mounts

Is sensor downtime killing your productivity? Spring-loaded sensor protection, that includes a protective cap, will make your sensors immune from impact and abrasion damage. Use SoftNoze™ to make setups faster, safer and protect against future over-travel damage and unplanned downtime. How it Works
Block, Shielded
SNB for M8, M12, M18 & M30 shielded proximity sensors. Block mount design; anodized aluminum with protective cap.
Block, Non-shielded
SNB-xxN for M8, M12, M18 & M30 non-shielded proximity sensors. Block mount design; anodized aluminum with protective cap.
Threaded, Shielded
SN for M8, M12, M18 & M30 shielded proximity sensors. Threaded mount in aluminum or stainless steel, with protective cap.
Threaded, Non-shielded
SN-xxN for M8, M12, M18 & M30 non-shielded proximity sensors. Threaded mount in aluminum or stainless steel, with protective cap.
MicroCollet™ & MicroThreaded™
SNMC for 4 & 6.5mm smooth barrel and SNMT M5 & M8mm models for threaded sensors.
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SoftNoze USA Inc...