Tensar International
Tensar TriAx Geogrids

This geocomposite provides outstanding performance for ground stabilisation applications involving high ground water levels and highly mobile, saturated subgrade soils.
A selected non-woven geotextile laminated to a TriAx™ geogrid provides filtration and separation to resist the upward migration of fine subgrade particles into the granular layer, which may otherwise lead to significant loss of performance, particularly with more open graded aggregates.
Multi-directional properties
Biaxial geogrids have tensile stiffness predominantly in two directions. TriAx geogrids have three principal directions of stiffness, further enhanced by their rigid triangular geometry. TriAx has a significantly different structure to any other geogrid, which provides near uniform stiffness around 360 degrees. A truly multi-directional product with near isotropic properties.
Junction integrity
TriAx is produced from an extruded sheet of polypropylene. This is then punched with an array of holes and stretched to create the unique TriAx structure. This Tensar process, coupled with the design of the junctions, results in a product with high junction strength and stiffness.
Junction efficiency
Rigorous testing has been conducted in line with each of the three rib directions. In each direction tested, the TriAx geogrid was found to have high strength junctions and stiff ribs. This provides effective mechanical interlock of aggregate particles into the aperture with a node structure providing high junction efficiency.
Interlock and Confinement
In a Tensar mechanically stabilised layer, aggregate particles interlock physically within the geogrid and are confined within the apertures, creating an enhanced composite material with improved performance characteristics.
The structural properties of the mechanically stabilised layer are influenced by the magnitude and depth of the confined zones.
Proving the importance of rib profile
Compared with Tensar biaxial geogrid, TriAx geogrid has a more efficient rib profile. Trafficking tests and analytical modelling were undertaken to investigate the influence of rib profile on performance. The results were conclusive in confirming the importance of a combination of the depth and shape of the rib profile.
Deep profile ribs are more effective than a rounded profile. TriAx has been engineered to provide the most efficient use of material. The ribs have an optimised, high depth to width ratio and a rectangular slightly concave profile.
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