Company Description
Moving heavy loads on air may seem unbelievable, however the everyday experience within Aerofilm and the experience of a large number of our clients prove otherwise.
How does it work?
The load that has to be moved will be provided with temporary or permanent air skates. These skates have a moulded membrane attached called an air bearing which is inflated with compressed air and the excess air escapes between the air bearing and the floor.A film of air is then created beneath the load and because of this air film there is minimum contact between the air bearing and the floor. The object floats and because the friction is only 0,001 percent of the object’s weight, it can easily be moved allowing the load to be positioned to within a few millimetres.
That means you can move 1,000 kilogram with your little finger. Of course heavier objects can be moved using more or larger air skates.
Products & Services
Misc. » - Air Bearings
- Air Movers
- Air Skates
Lifting, Rigging and Skiding »
Brand Name Products
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