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1/2" Double Block & Bleed Valves
Product News Thursday, November 15, 2012: Haskel International, Inc.
BURBANK, CA November, 12, 2012 - BuTech has just released a new version of its popular Double Block and Bleed Valve (DBB Valve). The DBB Valves are space saving valves that remove the need for large and complicated multi-valve systems. These valves allow sections of a piping system to be isolated for maintenance, with a drain valve between them, insuring that unwanted pressure doesn’t get into the section being serviced. The new version of the DBB Valve is rated to 15,000 psig, with two trunnion isolation ball valves, each with a ½” orifice, and a needle valve to bleed pressure. The valve can be configured to connect up to most sizes of tubing with all connection styles. These DBB Valves are primarily made from 316 stainless steel; however they can be machined from other machinable alloys to meet your specific needs.
BuTech continues to also offer the largest variety of valves that are designed for top-side and land based applications including sour gas. These valves can also be machined from any machinable alloy, with pressure capabilities up to 150,000 psig. BuTech offers a variety of connections, including coned and threaded, NPT and single ferrule compression connections to support all pressures and sizes 1” and below, all of which can be found on the BuTech eCatalog at http://butechvalvecatalog.haskel.com.