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CD Automation UK Ltd

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CD Automation UK Ltd

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Online configurator helps engineers match thyristors to different machine loads

Online configurator helps engineers match thyristors to different machine loads

Company News Monday, February 4, 2013: CD Automation UK Ltd

CD Automation‘s newly launched Application product selector effectively cross-tabulates different single and three-phase machine loads from 30A to 2700A for a comprehensive range of thyristor power controllers. The simplicity of the form presented to engineers hides the complexity of algorithms and processes, which combine to provide an optimal load configuration.

First, using drop-down menus throughout, the engineer enters his choice from the application and element type: normal resistance elements; variable resistance with temperature using elements including molybdenum, platinum, quartz lamp, and super Kanthal among others; and transformer coupled with elements from graphite through short wave infrared to inductive loading.

Next, if selecting a transformer coupled with tungsten elements for example, the engineer can select the load configuration from single, three-phase star with or without neutral, three-phase delta and three-phase open delta. The next field is for the number of phases controlled, followed by fields for ‘input-control signal’, ‘firing mode’ and ‘required current (A)’. On the above configuration, selecting three phases and DC linear will offer up a choice of three firing modes: burst firing, single cycle or phase angle.

The matching CD Automation thyristor products are then displayed below the form, and in the case of the transformer coupled with tungsten elements mentioned above, would show the REVO-E three-phase thyristor power controller up to 600A (14 current sizes available) and the Multidrive to 2700A (in 20 current sizes). The product selector is for guidance only and the engineer is encouraged to contact CD Automation to confirm this is the correct configuration.

“CD Automation’s Application Product Selector is part of the company’s broad portfolio of online information products, intended to help engineers in industries across the board make better informed choices when selecting thyristor power controllers,” explains Jez Watson of CD Automation.

“For example, there is also a section titled ‘How to size a Thyristor Power Controller’ showing a formula that provides a simple method to calculate the thyristor current for typical resistive loads. The calculated current value is then be multiplied by 1.2 for safety margin to allow for variations in supply voltage and other tolerances of the load.”

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