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Low temperature chip bonding from ThreeBond
Product News Friday, April 3, 2009: ThreeBond Europe S.A.S. (UK Branch)
The TB2217H low temperature cure chip bonder from ThreeBond offers curing at 80°C and addresses an array of chip bonding issues for manufacturers and rework facilities. This single component epoxy offers ease of handling by syringe and full compatibility with automated dispensing systems to enable chip retention on pcb’s going through multi-station lines and wave soldering equipment.
By offering a very low cure temperature of 80°C with a 220 sec cure time, TB2217H can eliminate possible damage to heat sensitive components while at the same time offering a high speed snap cure of 60 seconds at 150°C where needed.
Whether applied by syringe or print system the TB2217H offers an air bubble free solution to component retention with dispensing speeds in excess of 30K dph, good dot shape and without stringing and tailing. Prior to curing it provides excellent tack strength ensuring no component movement or loss during population and handling – while after curing it exhibits exceptional bond strength with various types of component materials including sometimes problematic glass melf and I/Circuit types.
TB2217H is fully compatible with the DEK ProFlow™ DirEKt Imaging system and is available in DEK ProFlow™ cassettes. Other packaging available includes a range of syringe styles, Fuji, EFD, Iwashita, Panasonic, as well as cartridges. It is suitable for either pneumatic, (time/pressure system), or positive displacement dispensing systems (helical screw system), or dispense jet systems. Similarly it may be used in a wide range of print type systems, whether it be normal squeegee types, DEK Pump Print, DEK ProFlow™/Pump Print combination.